Cutting “lab-to-fab” short: high throughput optimization and process assessment in roll-to-roll slot die coating of printed photovoltaics

Wagner M, Distler A, Le Corre VM, Zapf S, Baydar B, Schmidt HD, Heyder M, Forberich K, Lüer L, Brabec C, Egelhaaf HJ (2023)

Commercialization of printed photovoltaics requires knowledge of the optimal composition and microstructure of the single layers, and the ability to control these properties over large areas under industrial conditions. While microstructure optimization can be readily achieved by lab scale methods, the transfer from laboratory scale to a pilot production line (“lab to fab”) is a slow and cumbersome process: first, the difficulty of operating structure-sensitive methods in-line impedes proper microstructure characterization, and second, the processing-functionality relationship must be redetermined for every material combination as the results obtained by typical lab-scale spin-coating cannot be directly transferred to other coating methods. Here, we show how we can optimize the performance of organic solar cells and at the same time assess process performance in a 2D combinatorial approach directly on an industrially relevant slot die coating line. This is enabled by a multi-nozzle slot die coating head allowing parameter variations along and across the web. This modification allows us to generate and analyze 3750 devices in a single coating run, varying the active layer donor : acceptor ratio and the thickness of the electron transport layer (ETL). We use Gaussian Process Regression (GPR) to exploit the whole dataset for precise determination of the optimal parameter combination. Performance-relevant features of the active layer morphology are inferred from UV-Vis absorption spectra. By mapping morphology in this way, small undesired gradients of process conditions (extrusion rates, annealing temperatures) are detected and their effect on device performance is quantified. The correlation between process parameters, morphology and performance obtained by GPR provides hints to the underlying physics, which are finally quantified by automated high-throughput drift-diffusion simulations. This leads to the conclusion that voltage losses which are observed for very thin ETL coatings are due to incomplete coverage of the electrode by the ETL, which causes enhanced surface recombination.

The authors acknowledge the generous support of the STAEDTLER Foundation, which funded this work as part of the project Accelerated Innovation for a Sustainable Solar Energy Future.

DOI: 10.1039/d3ee01801f