Four members of FAU Solar have been elected to the DFG review board for the next year! We warmly congratulate Dirk Guldi, Veronika Grimm, Frauke Liers, and Jörg Libuda.
DFG President Prof. Dr. Katja Becker emphasized, “No other body exemplifies the principle of scientific self-governance that the DFG stands for as well as the review boards. The members of the review boards ensure that DFG funding decisions are made in accordance with scientific standards and in the spirit of curiosity, innovation, and a thirst for knowledge.”
FAU President Prof. Dr. Joachim Hornegger also extends his congratulations, stating, “It is important for our FAU that our colleagues contribute their expertise to important committees such as the DFG review boards – across all disciplines. This once again emphasizes the diversity of the comprehensive university and our claim to be one of the major research universities in Germany. I am delighted and proud that we are once again represented on the review boards by 15 renowned research personalities.”
Four members of FAU Solar have been elected to the DFG review board for the next year! We warmly congratulate Dirk Guldi, Veronika Grimm, Frauke Liers, and Jörg Libuda.
DFG President Prof. Dr. Katja Becker emphasized, “No other body exemplifies the principle of scientific self-governance that the DFG stands for as well as the review boards. The members of the review boards ensure that DFG funding decisions are made in accordance with scientific standards and in the spirit of curiosity, innovation, and a thirst for knowledge.”
FAU President Prof. Dr. Joachim Hornegger also extends his congratulations, stating, “It is important for our FAU that our colleagues contribute their expertise to important committees such as the DFG review boards – across all disciplines. This once again emphasizes the diversity of the comprehensive university and our claim to be one of the major research universities in Germany. I am delighted and proud that we are once again represented on the review boards by 15 renowned research personalities.”
Congratulations on your election!
Image: FAU/Anna Tiessen
Image: Sachverständigenrat
Image: FAU/Erich Malt